Parish of Manuka South Canberra
Children’s & Youth Ministries
We have a growing Children’s and Youth Ministry programme built around our 9.30am service at St Paul’s, Manuka.
This includes:
- Children’s Choirs Programme
- Sunday School (held during the service during School Term)
- A monthly “all-age” service on the first Sunday of the month featuring our Junior Choir (no Sunday School on these Sundays)
- Confirmation classes for upper primary / high school age children (held periodically after the 9.30am service)
Children’s Choirs
A unique opportunity in Canberra for musical and spiritual formation
Our compehensive children’s choirs programme provides musical training and liturgical experience for our choristers and an excellent basis for their Christian formation.
Sunday School
So the children remain familiar with our common worship, like in many other parishes they start and conclude with the community of faith in the church. They go across to the parish centre at the Ministry of the Word for appropriate activities and teaching and return for the Greeting of Peace and the liturgy of the Eucharist. Parents/carers are welcome to attend along with their children. The Sunday school programme is co-ordinated by our Children and Youth Worker Belinda Leslie.
Sunday school operates on the 2nd-5th Sunday of each month in school term time. On the first Sunday of each month, when our Junior Choir sings, we have a streamlined “all-age” service. This is a Eucharist with all the ceremonial of our tradition, but it is made a little more accessible and inclusive of the children present and the number of readings and some liturgical elements is streamlined.
The underlying principle for this programme is to provide spiritual and liturgical formation for our children so that they grow up with a sense of experiencing God’s presence in the context of the Eucharistic community and its common life.